Monday, December 12, 2011


So it's about that time of the quarter again. Fortunately, (or unfortunately) I only take 2 finals this week in accounting and economics. I want to just quit studying and relax since the quarter is basically over. Tomorrow is the last day of official classes and it just review. Next quarter looks like this. 4 classes: accounting 1C (Managerial accounting, really excited about that), Microeconomics, Intro to Psychobiology with my favorite psychology professor, Professor Hassett and Photography!

Looking forward to photography and hope to post photos here in the blog.

Monday, September 26, 2011

School begins

Hey, so today I started school.  Finally some structure.  I even went to the gym and did a hardcore workout.  Going to be so sore in the morning.  I've got to stay strong and stay away from Facebook.  Sometimes I want to be on there but I really don't.  I want to prove that we don't need it.  The only person I had interaction with today was a girl in my pre Calculus class who seemed cool because she mentioned she was a big Battlestar Gallactica fan and thus a possibility she was a nerd like me.  I found out that because my schedule is 3 classes across four hours (the math class has a lab hour) with ten minute breaks between, I don't have a time for lunch.  So I will not be able to eat lunch with Shiei and Jonathon.  That was a daily occurrence last quarter.  Kind of going to miss that.  Hopefully, I can make new friends.  I want to get a better digital SLR camera so I can take pictures and post them on here.

I made a tumblr.

The URL is

I made it predominantly because I like this pop singer Bang Minah from the singing group, Girl's Day.  I wanted to post pictures of her.  

Now that I am ending all use of Facebook I should try to branch out on here and find people who update their blogs regularly.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Doing some research on South Korea

Found out that it could possibly be very cheap, or rather quite cheaper than here, to live in Seoul.   I am very excited at the prospects.  I will probably be moving to Seoul next year and around this time already be there studying Korean.  I am extremely motivated to follow this plan through to fruition. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I wonder...

How long it will take for anyone to notice that I deactivated my facebook account.  Likely, no one will notice.   Everyone is so busy with themselves.  There is too much going on there for people who silently walk away from the fold to be noticed missing.  Now that I have done so, I will be using this place as my medium to communicate through the internet.  Although, hardly anyone knows this place exist, I have faith that eventually someone will catch on.  It is sort of depressing to think that I am writing this and no one is reading it.  I guess it is more for me than for them.   I never intended for anyone to read my journals when I was at Amicus House even though we read them daily.  I kind of miss that forced accountability.   Anyways, I guess that's it.

As always, it's been awhile.

So a lot of doing and thinking has been put into my life recently.  The girlfriend and I split, I've decided to move to South Korea next year to study Korean at one of the language schools there.  I've been studying the language independently everyday for the past couple of weeks and I am improving.  A lot of thought needs to go into this plan.  I've spoken with some people who live in Seoul and they say food expenses are very cheap compared to U.S.  I am glad of that.  I am really excited to make the transition.  Other than that, I am still a nerd and watching anime and K-drama.  I have found some new K-pop music, my original reason for starting this blog to share with others my passion for Korean music.  I found a website, that has all your needs wrapped into one.  However, is also a great resource for Asian television downloads and its all free!
School starts next week and I will probably forget to update this blog for months.  I know no one really reads this but I like to keep a log, just in case I die.
This quarter at school, I am taking Pre-Calculus, Accounting, and Macroeconomics, oh man.  This is going to be very intense.    

Friday, August 12, 2011

Diablo 2

I am so addicted to this game right now.  I played it in high school and now it's time for a reunion!  I've even got my girlfriend playing it.  I bought it to get amped up for Diablo 3 which I've already pre-ordered and is set to be released sometime in November.  If you love video games, especially action adventure ones like Zelda or Gauntlet Legends for N64 and arcade, definitely check this one out.  I beat the game on normal difficulty and then went less and a fourth of the way through on the next difficulty up, Nightmare, and broke down and acquired a free character editor for mac.  Made things a bit faster for me.  Now I am playing the epilogue of the expansion set, Lord of Destruction, where I will track down Baal and SMITE HIM DOWN!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

As always, its been awhile, bloggy dearest.

Anyways, I don't have much time to post anything about what's been going on lately, I have only come on to say that I have a new email address and you should ask me for it if you want it, especially if you have Microsoft Messenger.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Yeah, so I had this temporary determination to exercise conscientiousness with updating this blog but again I have made an unrealistic commitment.  There's just too much going on in my life right now.  I'm taking 3 classes this quarter but the good news is that I've completed my AA degree.   I am now off to find work but the job hunting has been very slow, I've had one interview and applied at about 10 places so far.  So I guess 1 out of 10 isn't too bad.  I need money.   Soon.   I am tired of relying on mom to help out.  Sweetest lady, time to give her the break she deserves.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

TECHNO! Or more specifically...

House music.  It's so repetitive but some of it is so delicious!

Great to dance to.   Need some really good dancing tracks, LOOK NO FURTHER!

There is this one DJ in the bay area named Andy P who I used to really jam out to back in the day and I still do.  I found it very very good work out music. 





Touch Bass 2

Touch Bass


30 min mix   << AND THIS ONE TOO!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Birthday blast

As the title suggests, I had a blast on my birthday.  I turned 24 yesterday.  I am happy to be older.  That's a strange statement to make but it's true.  I only got 4 hours of sleep the night before so I was running completely on caffeine.  I woke up and took my girlfriend to work.  The night before, at an AA meeting in Los Gatos, I promised a friend, Jay, that I would help him with some work.  I helped him prepare a living room to be repainted by getting rid of any residual wallpaper left on the walls after it was stripped the day before.  I also helped him rearrange the furniture to the way it was.  The couple whose house we were working in was so cute.  They were so in touch with each other, it was sweet to see a couple who was married 37 years be still so in love.   I was fed and way overpaid.  I am not complaining.  =D  Afterward, I picked up Cati from work and we went back to her house, watched Buffy and took a short nap.  Her mom took us out to eat at Sonoma Chicken Coop where I had a BBQ sandwich (delicious) and then she surprised us by ordering fondue!  I was SO STUFFED!  I didn't even think I'd be able to stomach all of the sandwich forget the fondue!  I was pleasantly plump by the end of the day.  After dinner, I went to my regular Friday night meeting where I was chairing out (a tradition in NA that after you complete a six month service commitment as acting secretary of a meeting to be the chair, main speaker for the meeting).    I am getting better at speaking to the group but I am still a bit shaky.  After the meeting, I went back to pick Cati up and took her to the movies.  We saw Sucker Punch, I loved it!

Ice cream and other snacks followed when we got home,  I think I ate over 3000 calories yesterday.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yeah, so... Hoobyhabba guewnafitz

I am definitely not keeping my end of the bargain with punctual updates about me.  Well, today I am still sober, clean, and nicotine free!  On the subject of being nicotine free, I have started to regularly attend a NA (Nicotine Anonymous) meeting in Santa Cruz, CA (my Monday night meeting).  I like it there.  Everyone gets along and everyone usually gets to share because its so small and everyone doesn't go off on a long rant or rave about themselves or how amazing the program is.  That really annoys me when people do that, it feels so artificial.  How I feel at a meeting about what people are talking about I know directly relates to how at peace my mind is and how spiritual I am that day.    It's late, that's all I've got.   I am so motivated to stay quit from smoking cigarettes, there was a guy at the meeting who had 24 years free of nicotine, that was so powerful knowing that it could be done!  I like that meeting a lot too because there is a lot of discussion after everyone is done sharing.  I feel like you see a more rounded sample of the population at this meeting as well.   Well, good night.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It's almost finals week.  Luckily both my finals are in the middle of the week instead of the beginning.  I can feel the momentum like biking down a steep hill.  I will be relieved to have them out of the way presuming that I study well for them otherwise I may not feel the same. Then some "extra-(extra)" recreation and relaxation time.  I want to start playing the cello again.  That is on my to-do list.   So from the look of it (the growing belly), I believe I have a pregnant mouse.  This is exciting and makes me happy but also a little worried and scared.  I've been doing plenty of reading on what steps to take during and after so I'm not too stressed out about it.  Luckily, mice pregnancy is very "laissez faire" in what's required of the owner/breeder.  I am definitely not trying to breed the mice though.  I've read up on what to do in order for that not to happen.  However, I'm still not 100% sure about the sex of both my mice.  Anyways, I probably care about this more than anyone reading this so I'll move right along.  I've started working on a spring mix.  Really excited for it.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


If I died today and if all that was left was this blog to tell someone about who I was, I'd be pretty disappointed.   This blog would be incredibly lacking as a accurate depiction of myself.  It's crazy to admit but I do care a lot about how I am portrayed or seen by others.   I'm afraid to have a bad reputation.  When I was using, I was even more hypercritical about my fear of how I was viewed by others around me but I am guessing that the things I was hypercritical about were more superficially based than the overall picture.  I'm also guessing that my level of concern would fluctuate between not really to extremely when I was using because my personality was always altered and changing never the same as it was the day before.  I doubt there was an in-between during all this madness because I was so emotionally unstable as well as severely mentally challenged.  I've found, however, if I feel good about myself, I feel good about how I'm viewed by others.  I feel good about myself by practicing what I've learned in my recovery journey.   I've also happily found that the more practice I do daily, the better I feel.  The issue is the willingness to do these things.  As things leveled off in my life and became more stable, the easier complacency becomes.   I've gotten my second wind though!  I feel like this second wind is related to three things in particular.  One, mice.  Getting to watch the antics of two adorable mice romp around daily surely gives me a boost of sunlight so to speak.   Two, my girlfriend (who I adore immensely) is finally getting the fruits of recovery and applying it effectively to her life.  Three,  I quit smoking cigarettes, my health is on the up and up ( >_* that expression, greatly frown upon all cliche expressions in general but I strongly dislike up and up, I wish that we had better ways to express things that were universally understood in our language rather than relying on regurgitated jibber-jabber) and so clean lungs, the ability to smell again for better or worse, I feel very good but I forget that it takes a hardy chunk of effort on my part to stay in this state of consciousness.  


Sunday, March 13, 2011


It's been ages since I made any posts.   That ends now!  I am going to set this blog as my homepage to remind me to make posts more often.  I want people to know that I am doing well and see my progress.  I feel fantastic making this statement.  I hope my readers will be pleased with my more frequent input.  Originally, I feel like I slipped from making regular posts because I felt like no one was actually reading them and that is, well, a bit depressing to say the least.    -__-   
So, tonight, I want to make a commitment of dedication to any readers that may swing through.   I feel as though it will benefit me to write in here my experiences and anyone else who has struggled with life to read this blog.  

New updates with me:  I'm still clean and sober (just celebrated 15 months of continuous sobriety in recovery), I recently purchased two female mice as pets named Willow and Buffy, I am into a historical k-drama, Yaksha that I've been avidly watched because I love the gore and violence as well as the character development.  I am still in school, taking Business and Psychology this quarter.  The plan is to graduate with my Associate's Degree in April coming up shortly. 

                        Here is a video of Buffy, the mouse, in their ball.

          The quality of these photos are terrible because I took them with my phone.  I don't currently have the USB cable to connect my digital camera to my computer so unfortunately, this is all I've got right now.